braccia che amano, PAX VOBIS (3)
( 愿你平安, あなたに平和, Мир вам, loving arms)
oil on canvas, 40 x 80 cm / 15.7 x 31.5 inches
Jesus came and stood in their midst and says to them,"Peace be with you". And said this, he showed them his hands and his side. (Jn 20,19).
He laid his arms on the cross. (Eucharistic rite)
Venne Gesù, si fermò in mezzo a loro e disse:"Pace a voi". E, detto questo, mostrò loro le mani e il fianco. (Gv.20,19)
Egli stese le braccia sulla croce. (liturgia Eucaristica)
© 2014 Raphaella MILANO